
Promo (1) Recipes (1)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"When we're happy, we listen to the song. When we're sad, we listen to the lyrics."

Ternyata bener loh katanya siapa gitu aku lupa. "When we're happy, we listen to the song. When we're sad, we listen to the lyrics." Udah gitu, kalo lagi sedih atau mellow, semua jadi berasa daleeeem gitu.

Jadi ceritanya aku baru selesai ngerjain tugas psikologi dasar jam segini akibat mati lampu dan batre laptop kurang bersahabat (yeah, that's what makes me sad). Terus, berhubung mata masih panas bekas dioles balsem seger, aku pun iseng baca ulang materi psikologi dasar yang udah dibikin resume-nya.

Ujug-ujug aku nemu paragraf ini.

He points out that it is overwhelmingly likely that not everyone who started out on the journey will arrive at the final destination of the group. Some individuals choose to remain at various 'stopping places' along the route. Similarly, individual development is like a migration with various stopping places. These stopping places are times when the person becomes attached to something or someone. When that attachment is given up (i.e., countercathected), then a part of the person is left behind, so to speak. As we are forced to move on, we leave a part of ourselves still connected to our earlier, childish attachments.


We stopped at a place and caused a huge mess. I, caused a huge mess.

We're leaving now (I'm leaving actually, you already left a long time ago), and I hope we can find another stopping place and be able to say, "so this is what happens after 'the end'."

And just like what the paragraph said, I left a little part of me still connected to that place, a place once I called home.

It's not that I still wish we could stay there for the rest of our lives. I just wanna be able to look back every once in a while, to remind myself that nothing could ever be harder than that--leaving home. And if leaving home is something I could do, then I can do anything.

So thank you, for letting me go.

And oh, I got one last thing to say : I don't break promises :)

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